Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018

Analytical Exposition Text

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The Danger of Technology

         Technology have bern invented and inplementid over the years, innovations such as modern technology, internet, television, and handphones or gadget. The internet made the world a smaller place, united people of all nations and languages. Indeed, technology has done amazing things for us, without knowing the technology has a bad impact too. Especially for young generation who introduced to technology at an earlier stage. Because of that it is important to be aware of the dangerous sides of technology. For example is television. Nowadays, almost all homes have television. Television contains manu program in it such as adult programs. Does not rule out the possibility of small children watching adult shows.
         The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and those older than 2 watch no more than 1 or 2 hours a day. From the data, the first 2 years of life considered as a critical time for brain development. Which means the older the kid gets and more TV shows are seen affect their life.
         I think with so many TV shows that are seen by children is bad for their healthy. Such as reduced eye ability to see because their eyes rarely blink while watching TV. Sitting on the sofa and watching TV spent more than 2 hours per day. For children, watching too much TV shows affect to their school results like decreased the exam score.
         For children in the golden age in the imitation period to everything they saw. They imitate all acts or language that the artists said wheter it was good or not. This become bad if they imitate fighting actions to their friends or saying bad languages.
         Television or other technology is entertaining, but not all shows are worth to be watched by children. Television contains a lot of variety shows, not all of the shows are suitable for children. There are many contents for adult that showed in television which is possible for kids to watch it accidentally.
          Because of that role of parents are very important. Watching TV or use gadget too much make children follow everything from there. Before it became their habits, it is important for parents to watch out their kids while using any technology before their kid’s eyes get irritated because although technology give us so many benefits, it still bad for under age people.

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